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After seeing our niece's go through the infant survival swim class we knew we wanted our son to go through it as well.  We got him on the waiting list last summer when he was 6 months old and when this summer started approaching, we got a call from Ms. Joyce about getting him ready for his class.  She was very helpful and informative on the phone and the paperwork she sends over is also helpful in making sure we had everything we needed before we started his classes. 


It's about a 40 minute drive one way for us but it's 100% worth it.  I could not believe how much our son learned in just 6 short weeks.  Ms. Joyce is such a great instructor and as a first time Mom I know it can be a little nerve-wracking handing your child over to someone you don't know, especially in a pool.  But she is so kind, caring, patient and really passionate about what she does and I knew my son was in great hands with her.  She is very good about teaching them the survival things they need to know like coming up to the surface and resting on their back and she also makes sure she rewards them for their hard work.  Our 15 month old loved getting to put a foam alphabet letter on the board after he swam to the bar or rested on his back.  It definitely helped keep his interest, especially because 15 months old have very short attention spans.


By the end of the 6 weeks, he knew how to come up to the surface after "falling" into the water multiple different ways (some days fully clothed) and rest on his back all on his own.  It gives us some peace of mind knowing that he has learned this incredible survival skill and we cannot possibly thank Ms. Joyce enough for the time and effort she put in to teaching him all that he has learned.  We are sad the classes are over for now but we are already looking forward to his refresher class next summer. 


I highly recommend this class AND Ms. Joyce to anyone and everyone!

- Brittney Hannon - 

I had heard of these types of swim lessons before but in all honesty was a bit apprehensive because of the price (which is times three because I have three kids). But ultimately I decided that my kids safety would be worth the cost and we took lessons this last spring.  And I am so glad we did!

Miss Joyce was so incredibly patient, especially with my youngest who screamed in protested every single day for the first week. By the second week, I was astonished with how easily my daughter went into the pool. By the end of four weeks, my four-year-old and three-year-old could both swim across the pool unassisted!


My six-year-old only needed three weeks and finished with confidence in his newfound ability.

While I obviously remain diligent when swimming with my kids, the peace of mind that came after these lessons is invaluable. The safety opened a door to new fun for our whole family. I only wish we would have done lessons sooner! They were worth every penny and I can’t recommend Miss Joyce and SSSC strongly enough.

- Trish Ciccoianni - 

Our one and a half year old boy was fighting the lessons crying and calling out for Mama/Dada but Mama mostly. However, Ms. Joyce was an amazingly patient instructor and helped our boy feel comfortable and pick up the motions. By the second week, he was following her cues and by the end of our training, he is able to fall into the water, find his bearings, rest, swim, rest and swim until he gets to the steps and get up.

We saw our boy go through the whole range from fighting to being able to float and kick his way to safety and we couldn't be more proud. So if you're nervous about how your child will do, don't worry he/she will be in capable hands.

We have to keep honing his skills. Ms. Joyce was phenomenal at training us with clear and concise instructions to help him continue his journey of swimming unaided by floaties. This is one of the BEST INVESTMENTS we've made and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Ms. Joyce and SSSCal a hundred times over. We're coming back for Refresher courses for sure. Thank you Ms. Joyce for your kind and steady reminders. We will recommend many to this program.

- San Family - 

Ms. Joyce , thank you for your patience and honesty with our Avery. Your kind and gentle approach to teaching made it an extremely comfortable experience for not only Avery but us as well. Avery has enjoyed spending the last two years with you and talks about her lessons all the time. You have instilled such great confidence and skills in her and the tools and techniques for us to keep our baby girl water safe. I know Avery will be excited for her refreshers as will we keeping safety our #1 priority. We cannot thank you enough for our little mermaid. 

- Amanda G. - 

Our son Mitchell, 4 years old - just graduated from his lessons with Mrs.Joyce.  We had Mitchell in 3 other swim school lessons prior and we were disappointed with the franchise feel, the lack of true instruction and swim skills that came out of those schools.  Our goal was to find individual, one-on-one lessons and not only did we find it with Mrs. Joyce -  we struck the BEST experience we could have imagined.  The end goal was for Mitchell to learn what to do if he fell into a pool - how to respond - how to SURVIVE and within a matter of 4 weeks he has done just that.  Mrs.Joyce has an amazing way with children.  Her patience and her teaching style captured our son on wanting to learn, learn, learn.  We look forward to spending more time in the water with Mitchell, building on his confidence and having many fun memories ahead of us.  Joyce, we can't say THANK YOU enough.  We are so thrilled that our paths crossed - you are a blessing to us and our community is lucky to have you.  We are telling everyone about you and the lifetime gift that you can share with them and their children with these amazing lessons.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!  You are the BEST!


- Daniel, Claudine & Mitchell -

Ms Joyce, we can't thank you enough for all of your time, patience, expertise and knowledge you have given to our family and especially to Damien! The skills and confidence you have instilled in him is so priceless and we are so grateful that we found you. Damien always looked forward to swim class and was always so excited and proud coming home with his sticker or lollipop reward. And he will never forget Mr. Crab . Thank you again Ms Joyce of Survival Swim School of California LLC for making this experience such a great one, but most importantly, teaching Damien the skills needed to be safe. You're such an awesome and wonderful instructor!

- Chrystal Fulgencio-

Thank you Ms. Joyce of Survival Swim School of California LLC for being such an amazing mentor to Wyatt! You have given him so much confidence by teaching him basic survival skills & how to float with ease. He looked forward to going to your class every day! Your program is amazing & we are forever grateful for you Wyatt will never forget you & your turtles! We can’t thank you enough.

- Amber Edmondson - 

My daughter is 4 and had done 2 summers of swim lessons but wasn’t catching on. She was still wearing a floaty because she just couldn’t get it. After 4 weeks of lessons at Survival Swim School of California she is swimming the entire length of the pool on her own! It is the perfect environment and curriculum for your kids to learn how to swim! The lessons are short, private and personalized for your child! We are so grateful for our time at Survival Swim School of California! My daughter is an entirely different swimmer since going! We will definitely be back with our younger kids!

- Stephanie Peak -

Can't say enough about this amazing program. Not only have we been bringing our now 4 year old daughter since she was 11 months, but now we have brought our second daughter, who just turned 1. Again, we were so amazed at her progress and development through this program. I cannot recommend Ms. Joyce enough. She is kind, calm and very talented. So happy to see my babes become strong swimmers. Thank you Ms. Joyce.  You're the best!

- Lara Hannon - 

Let me start of by saying thank you to Survival Swim School of California and the Remembering Everett Foundation. Knowing your stories and the great work you’re doing for other families is beautiful. If anyone is looking for an amazing swim instructor for their children, look no further than Ms. Joyce. Her genuine passion for teaching children survival swimming skills really shines as she’s in the water with these kids. I applaud her for the amount of patience she has as well. My daughter Izabella learned her skills quickly, but screamed and cried for majority of our sessions. The 6 week course felt like it flew by, and I hope we can get in to some refresher courses in the future. Anytime I meet someone looking for a swim instructor, you better believe I’ll be referring them to SSSofCA.

- Cynthia Murillo - 

Ms. Joyce's program is phenomenal!  Our son learned more in his first week with her than in 2 previous rounds of swim lessons elsewhere.  He has struggled with feeling comfortable in group lessons and with other instructors but he was immediately comfortable in the water with her and tried whatever was asked of him.  He can't wait to swim each day!  Such a huge victory for a boy who was terrified of the water.  In our final week it's amazing to see how he is able to safely swim and float in the water, moving himself from one side of the pool to the other.  We can't say enough about Ms. Joyce's program and highly recommend it.


-Lisa Lee-

Our daughter (3 years old) began lessons having no swimming or safety skills around water. She was hesitant when beginning lessons but was instantly comfortable with Ms. Joyce and quickly learned the skills. Ms. Joyce made the program fun and engaging for her and gave us as parents consistent feedback on how she was doing and what she could practice at home. She ended lessons not only confident in the water, but with life saving skills that are invaluable to her safety. 

-Lisa Lee-

I cannot say enough wonderful things about this program! As an ER RN I’ve been on the other end of kids that aren’t pool safe and I can’t stress enough how important water safety is! So thankful we had this opportunity and that my son learned the skills he would need if he was ever to fall in. Joyce is so wonderful with the kids and really knows her stuff! Please please pay the money and get your child water safe!!

-Becky Konrad - 

16 year Emergency Room Nurse here...seen and treated too many drowning children...At the first lesson you’re like...I think my kid is drowning Mrs. Joyce can you save him cause he doesn’t look like he gets it...By the second lesson you see the real skill and calm demeanor she has with your child and by the end of the sessions you can’t believe your kid learned so much so quick. Our kid is only 9 months old so it was mostly learning to just float and turn over to his back. However, we saw a 3 year old that went from sinking on their first lesson, to swimming from the deep end by the end of 4 weeks.


- Matthew Poore - 

Our experience with Survival Swim School of California LLC has met our expectations & beyond. Our instructor, Joyce is simply the best. She is a true professional, super patient, & such a sweet person.
My 3 year old, which was 2 years old at the time of lessons, was afraid of putting his head under water so he screamed and cried the first few lessons. Joyce was always very patient with him. In just 6 weeks he learned to swim, float, & retrieve toys from the bottom of the pool.

My 4 year old went from doggy paddling to learning breathing techniques to help him swim long distances. He also learned to float & is now super comfortable in the water.

As a PICU RN, I have seen how drownings affect our communities & destroy families. Therefore, I am extremely grateful to SSSCal & Joyce for teaching my kiddos to swim & survive in the water.

- Gabriela Romo - 

Mrs. Joyce from Survival Swim School of California is awesome!  Her technique for teaching children to swim is effective and works.  My three-year-old daughter was able to swim across the pool on her own by the end of the third week of swim lessons without any prior experiences.  She enjoys the class and looks forward to swimming every day.  Mrs. Joyce is patient and works well with kids of all ages.  She is accommodating and responds promptly to any questions and concerns.  I am really glad and am grateful to have Mrs. Joyce as my daughter’s swim instructor.  I highly recommend Survival Swim School of California to all parents who want lessons for their kids.

- Sharyn Sotelo - 

Ms. Joyce is amazing.  My boys, 7 & 5 had already attended swim lessons for 2 years (30 mins. a week private lessons) prior to coming to her lessons.  They were not able to swim before Ms. Joyce's lessons.  My older son was able to float but still not comfortable in the water by himself.  They both learned how to swim, float and go under water in less than 2 weeks.  Ms. Joyce is great with the boys.  She helped them focus on their tasks.  Every second in the water with her is well spent.  Thank you Ms. Joyce!

- Amber Chu - 

Miss Joyce has literally been a miracle worker. At the age of 6, my daughter was terrified of the water and we had tried several different swim lessons. Joyce's calm demeanor and patience gave her the confidence to feel safe in the water. She learned how to swim in a few weeks. I couldn't believe it!

At the time, my son was 3 and had also started lessons. Joyce was very patient with him as well. He was a bit stubborn at first and refused to float. She kept working with him and he was happily swimming and floating within weeks!   (2017)

It has been 2 years and we have been back for refreshers to make sure their skills stay sharp. They both now LOVE to swim. While I don't take my eyes off of them when we're at a pool, the peace that I have knowing they can swim is priceless. God definitely gave Miss Joyce a gift to work with children and give them this life saving skill!  (2019)


- Natalie Robinson - 

We decided to enroll our 19 month old daughter into survival swim lessons because we realized these types of swim lessons are far more beneficial than the normal “Parent & Me” swim lessons that you can sign up for at your local recreation centers. We have been beyond pleased with the progress our daughter has made with Joyce’s Survival Swim School over the short 6 week period of classes. Some may think that four 15 minutes classes per week for 6 weeks is not enough for children to learn but we definitely saw an improvement in our daughter’s ability to hold her breath, kick, float, and liking of water within the 2nd week of lessons. Even to this day we are still amazed our daughter retains the swim-float-swim technique. Joyce is such a great instructor who is so patient and had the ability to connect with our daughter who didn’t know her from day one. We are so excited to continue progressing with Joyce, as well as signing up our future children with Joyce’s Survival Swim School. Thank you again Joyce for everything and giving us peace of mind knowing our little girl CAN swim!

- Lolmaugh Family -

Video taken during refresher class 2019

Ms.Joyce is absolutely the BEST! We are so blessed for her and can’t thank her enough for the everything she taught my 18month daughter. We feel a little bit more comfortable knowing she’s capable of surviving if God forbid happens to just slip into our pool. Can’t wait for next season to continue her lessons and also include our 6 month old daughter.

-Gabby Porraz - 

Ms. Joyce is simply amazing with teaching kids of all ages to float, swim and dive! It’s rewarding to see your child’s progress from one 15 min session to the other. The things these kids can accomplish with Ms. Joyce is completely mind-blowing! I would have never imagined my 2 year old would be sliding into a pool without floaties and swimming to the other end of the pool! We plan to be back every year.

- Trisha Macavinta - 

Thank you to Survival Swim School of California LLC & Miss Joyce for teaching our 14/15mo daughter Aspen how to survive a fall into a pool and be able to float on her back without panicking.  Miss Joyce went above and beyond to make sure she was safe and happy while still teaching her the basic skills to learn to float. Miss Joyce is forever patient and kind with the children and parents! Watching Aspen learn and excel every week, to the point where she was comfortable being in the water and floating has been such an exciting thing to watch. Like Miss Joyce says practice, practice, practice and it will help your child succeed. We will definitely be coming back for the next step in teaching our daughter to swim and definitely will bring our next child to Miss Joyce to teach these same skills. We are forever grateful for finding Miss Joyce / Survival Swim School of California LLC. Thank You Miss Joyce

- ​Love Always - The Flores/Jenkins Family

My four year old son Hunter just completed this program, and I am amazed at the results.  I had tried to put him in a swim class last summer, and he screamed and cried the whole time!  It made him scared of going into a pool.  So going into his first session with Joyce, I was concerned of a repeat from him.  It couldn't be further from that!  From the first lesson to the last, he was comfortable and confident in the water.  I was completely shocked how well he did on day one.  And it grew exponentially each session. 

He started out not knowing how to even float to being able to float and swim under water with ease in only four weeks.  I do not know of any other program that could take a child so scared of the water and turn him into a kid that can swim and dive to the bottom of the pool like it was nothing, in only four weeks!  The results are amazing, and well worth ever penny!  Now he has the confidence to be able to swim, and I can feel comfortable with his safety around a body of water.  That's the other thing... not only does this program teach him to swim, but it also teaches how to float, and how to float in full clothes.  So you can be confident that if something did happen to your child, and they did fall into a pool, they have the knowledge and skills to be able to float, catch their breath, and swim to safety, all while fully clothed.

This is a great program, and a great teacher, and I would recommend both to anyone with a small child that hasn't yet learned to swim.  It could save their life!

Thank you!

-Robby Jackson-

We would like to thank Ms. Joyce for being such an awesome and effective swim instructor.  The progress of our toddler made in developing techniques in order to swim safely is remarkable. 


IT is truly impressive how comfortable and confident he has become in the water during and after the 6-week course.  Swimming has always been a big part of our family's lives so it was very important for us that our son learns how to swim safely at an early age.


Our son has taken numerous swim classes before he even turned a year old and we have encountered frustrations from other programs because it seems like the progress was very minimal.  Just one week into his swim program with Ms. Joyce, our son was already swimming on his own!  The program that the Survival Swim School of California offers is indeed the most effective program for our child.  Having Ms. Joyce who is very compassionate and highly-skilled as my son's instructor contributed to his success in learning how to swim safely.

-Michelle Hagen-

I can't believe what my 12 month old baby is now able to do.  Ms. Joyce is amazing.  This program is one of the best decisions you can make for your child.  In this short amount of time, my sweet baby has learned self skills that helps give me piece of mind while she is around water.  Truly life changing.


-Lara Hannon –

It’s amazing what four weeks of survival swim lessons with Ms. Joyce can do for your child while giving us parents peace of mind. Within the first week, our daughter was floating in the shape of a starfish by herself without fear while Ms. Joyce was beside her creating waves. Not long afterwards, she was able to swim, turn and float via verbal communication and hand signals under water. Then, came the day when she dived into the deep end of the pool fully clothed from head to toe and was able to swim and float successfully on her own. Ms. Joyce’s thorough training, guidance and patience helped our daughter blossom into a confident swimmer and we are comforted in knowing she has the skills to survive in case she accidentally falls into a pool. 

Thank you Ms. Joyce, you’re a phenomenal instructor...5 stars!!!

-Chris, Jenny & Katelyn Miller-

What a blessing it was to have Ms. Joyce as my son’s instructor. She was able to teach my son in just four weeks how to float! We were skeptical at first if he would be able to learn this crucial skill and he did! We were amazed at all the different techniques she used.  Ms. Joyce also had such patience to deal with a crying toddler at every single lesson, she was always so positive and encouraging during lessons. I would highly recommend her to anyone trying to find infant survival swim lessons. She is the best! 


-Samantha Augustine-

We had a beyond excellent experience last year with our son Xander and the Survival Swim School of California, so we knew right away that Ms. Joyce with Survival Swim School of California was going to be the only option for our one-year-old daughter, Mia Rose. Truthfully, I have to admit that I didn't think Mia Rose was ready. She had just turned one and I did not think she would understand the concept of turning over in the water. Boy was I wrong. The results were unbelievable! Ms. Joyce was able to teach Mia Rose to turn over on her back to breath even after being completely submersed and after doing a flip in the water! We have been in our own pool multiple times since her survival swim classes and Mia Rose has been able to turn over on her back with no problems. This peace of mind is priceless and we are are truly indebted to Ms. Joyce. If you are in need of survival swim lessons, do not go anywhere else--go see Ms. Joyce at Survival Swim School of California! 

-Jose and Erika Rangel-

Our backyard pool project was completed this past July and as a family we were extremely excited. At the same time, however, a harsh reality set in--our son Xander, who at the time had not yet turned two, did not have any swim skills whatsoever. We had been taking him to a program that had gotten him comfortable with being in the water, but the truth was that the program had gotten him so comfortable that he had completely lost the natural fear of the water. That created a deep sense of urgency on our end as parents--we needed to teach him how to survive in case he became curious and fell into our pool! We came across the Survival Swim School of California and were very much convinced by the reviews that this was the program we needed for Xander. After Xander's first lesson, we knew we had made the perfect choice.  Instructor Joyce was awesome with Xander! Unbeknownst to us, Xander's previous exposure to the water had instilled an aversion for floating on his back. Since this was the main goal of the survival lessons, we knew we were in for a serious challenge.   Joyce was more than up for it! Day in and day out, she was patient and understanding. Seemingly from a bottomless bag of tricks, she would come up with new strategies every lesson. Sometimes we as parents would go home defeated, thinking that Xander's stubborn personality was never going to be conquered. Joyce always reassured us and never showed any signs of giving up. Xander just completed his six weeks, and wouldn't you know, he has learned to swim across a pool, rotating to his back when he needs to breathe, even if fully clothed! We are extremely grateful to Joyce for not giving up on Xander and for allowing us to attain this priceless peace of mind. If you are in need of survival swim lessons, do not go anywhere else--go see Joyce at Survival Swim School of California! 

-Jose and Erika Rangel-



Thank you so much for the time and love you put into these lessons and these children.  Jason & I are very grateful for your chosen line of work, and we love seeing Gracelin enjoy the pool and water more than we ever imagined at this age.  Your gift is now also our gift and we are so happy and grateful to share in the joy.

Kid playtime enhances it all even more especially in the last week, so thanks for brining them all together and getting your expert son into the mix.  Much love to you!

Looking forward to watching Gracelin more in the water this summer & have fun and starfish!  Glad we get to enjoy and learn a little more with and from you over the next few weeks.   The extra water baby comfort means so much.


-Erin Johnston-

We were referred to Ms. Joyce by a friend who had recently completed the swim float swim program. We knew we had to give it a shot after seeing our friend's toddler swimming in our pool. Our 20 month old daughter had no previous experience before this program. From the first day Ms. Joyce was very warm and welcoming. Throughout the program she was incredibly calm and patient even when our daughter was not so thrilled. By the end of the program, our daughter would call out "Ms. Joyce, pool, kick, resting" as we drove to her lesson. Our daughter loved the water before her lessons and one of my biggest fears going in was that she would form a negative association with swimming. The exact opposite happened, our daughter seems to love the water even more now! I really appreciated watching Ms. Joyce with other students because you could tell she understood their developmental stages. She went at a pace appropriate for each individual student. Thank you so much for everything!


-Naomi Chrsitensen-

When my husband and I began planning to have a family, we already knew that drowning prevention classes were a priority. We both work in the Intensive Care Units at a children’s hospital and we both have seen so many lives lost or devastatingly affected by drowning accidents. Fast forward a few years and we have a 3-year-old boy and 1 year old daughter. We began researching drowning prevention classes in lieu of regular swimming classes because we wanted our children to have a healthy respect for water safety as well as the tools to know what to do in emergencies. We became discouraged because the classes that we found were very expensive. We decided that the health and safety of our children are worth the financial hit that we would take. We found Survival Swim School of California LLC by chance and after speaking with Miss Joyce, we were sold. Miss Joyce is amazing because she connects with our children and ensures a safe yet fun learning environment. She reiterates the importance of respecting the dangers of the water. She helped our cautious 3-year-old boy to become a confident and efficient swimmer. Our 1 year old daughter now knows how to get on her back and float thanks to the teachings from Miss Joyce. We are forever grateful for Miss Joyce for teaching our children life lessons that may potentially save their life.


-Forever Grateful & Thankful - The Lams-

Our experience with Ms. Joyce was nothing short of amazing! She has an ability to connect with children of such a young age, in a very vulnerable situation and is able to gain their trust in order to teach them a life skill that could save their life.  We chose Survival Swim School's program opposed to traditional swim lessons because traditional lessons can take months and even years to teach our daughter what Ms. Joyce taught her in just 6 weeks! We would absolutely make the same decision again and highly recommended Survival Swim School to anyone looking to put their child in swim lessons! 

-Kimberly Doyle-

Watching my 15mos old daughter learn the 4 week infant survival roll float with Survival Swim School of California / Ms. Joyce out of Eastvale was such an amazing experience!! My daughter was so brave and embraced each new learning curve that was put in her path with excitement, confidence, and even laughter due to the diligence, patience, and kindness that Ms. Joyce embodied and delivered each lesson. She put us, the parents at ease when in sometimes very intense moments. She was a great teacher to us as well, so we could continue practicing the method safely with our baby after she graduated her official lessons. We would recommend Survival Swim School of California and especially Ms. Joyce to anyone thinking to begin this sometimes scary, but necessary life-goal for their young babies/children living in this great state of California.

-Michelle Kriege-

Ms. Joyce,


Thank you so much for being so welcoming and going above and beyond to teach our son to swim & float!  Thanks to you he loves the water and he is more safe around the pool.  You are greatly appreciated!


-Megan, Kenny & Dean Parker –

I would like to thank Ms. Joyce for helping my son overcome his nerves within a pool and giving the confidence to swim. My son is a very cautious boy and was difficult to get him to enter a pool without him clawing onto us. We attempted regular private swim lessons at a university for two weeks and so very little progress with the instructor and their methods. When he began lessons with Ms. Joyce although he was still clingy she had him more comfortable in the water by the end of one week. Ms. Joyce did an amazing job helping build his confidence to the point of exceeding his survival swim expectations. I am extremely appreciative to her and her teaching ability in helping my cautious child to swim well.

-Preciosa Brandow–

Would love to thank Mrs. Joyce for her wonderful work she did with my 16 month old daughter. My daughter can be stubborn at times and not too social. Mrs. Joyce was extremely patient with her during every lesson and got my daughter to have fun, enjoy being in the water, and float!!! I'm very thankful to have had her as my daughter's swim instructor. Her method of providing swim lessons seems to be very effective and I look forward to having her teach my 3 year old son within the next few weeks. 

-Preciosa Brandow–

My son, the little swimmer. I can honestly say my son has so much more confidence in the water now. Over the last 6 weeks, my son Silas has learned how to swim, float, swim thanks to Ms. Joyce and Survival Swim School of California LLC. Since my husband and I don't know how to swim, it was extremely important for us to have our child learn to swim. We wanted to have piece of mind, that our son would be safe and know what to do in case of a pool accident. We also wanted him to feel comfortable in the water. That's why we felt survival swim was the best program for our son to start his swimming journey. My son is 3 years old and was part of the toddler survival program. I can honestly say we had no challenges with this program. Ms. Joyce and her survival swimming expertise and patience put my "mom" concerns at ease. I discovered that, as a parent, crying and maybe swallowing a little water is hard to watch at times, but all part of the process. When I would see my son kicking and floating, I knew that outweighed anything. It actually brought me to happy tears. I would (and have) recommended Ms. Joyce and Survival Swim School to family and friends. My cousin actually has her 6 year old son enrolled. My son was a child who never liked having his hair washed, because water would get into his eyes. Now, he is able to swim, float, swim from one end of the pool to the other.


- Christine Silva -

I am so excited that Axel had the opportunity to take swim lessons this summer with Ms. Joyce and Survival Swim School of California. He has learned how to swim and float so well. Today was his final day where he went with his clothes, just in case - so he knows what to do if he ever fell in fully clothed. He was a champ! So thankful that he is pool safe. If you are interested in learning more, check out her website - - she's the best!


- Autumn Wassink -

Coach Joyce,

Thank you so much for your time and patience with our Maddie. You have given us a piece of mind that Maddie is not only water safe but she can also swim for fun. Thank you for everything!

- Love, The Ortiz Family -

This was my second time with Joyce and Survival Swim School. My son who is 4, just started his first lessons and my daughter who is 5, came back for a refresher course. Joyce is amazing and so patient with my children; both my kids are great swimmers now and my daughter is now fairly efficient in her arm strokes. I am so glad I sent my kids to Joyce; I am a confident mommy and can rest now knowing my kids are SAFE!

-Katrina Keyner-

I wanted to send a quick note to say how grateful our family is for this program.  We could not be more happy with the outcome of those lessons!  Joyce is a real professional with all the skills necessary to not only teach your youngster to swim, but she makes them feel extremely confident.  Our daughter had a legitimate fear of water and Joyce softly encouraged her.  Rae quickly began having fun and she was excited to go after just the 1st lesson.  Now just a few short weeks later she can SWIM!  She knows the basics and is ready to keep practicing the skills Joyce taught her.

 A million thanks go out to Joyce and Survival Swim School.  I would recommend this to any parents that have kids needing to learn to swim.  Thank You Joyce and God Bless you and the Survival Swim School!!!

-Rick Keyner-

This past summer our son Evan was able to partake in swimming courses with Survival Swim School and Ms. Joyce, enrolling him was the best thing that we have ever done! Evan was apprehensive around water and swimming, but Ms. Joyce did such a wonderful job; her patience and demeanor with the kids were just phenomenal. She made Evan feel so much at ease in the water and now he absolutely loves swimming. 

Evan has a new confidence, and, as parents, we also have a new confidence knowing that he learned survival skills and will be able to use them in time of need. 

Still to this day Evan will ask us when we are going back to Ms. Joyce’s house to swim. He really found a special bond with her and tells us often how much he misses her! Not only does Evan miss her but we do too! Thank you Ms. Joyce for everything! 

Our deepest gratitude to Survival Swim School and Ms. Joyce! 


-Aimee Remo-

My husband and I enrolled our daughter Addison in swimming courses with Survival Swim School and Ms. Joyce this past summer, and we are so happy that we did! Addison loves being in the water but at times would be afraid to put her head under the water and always panicked when her feet didn’t touch the bottom of the pool.  She would wear floaties in the pool which made her feel more at ease and safe but when she would see her younger cousins and friends jump in the pool doing cannon balls and swimming in the deep end without floaties she felt embarrassed and left out.  She would often just sit on the steps in the shallow area or in the spa where she would feel safe. 

Right away my husband and I knew that Addison needed to have the proper survival skills in the pool, not only to help her survive in an emergency situation but to also help her feel more confident in swimming.  She enjoyed her first class with Ms. Joyce so much!  Ms. Joyce taught her the Swim, float, swim method and on the very first day we were so pleased and surprised with the results!  Not only was Addison doing great in floating like a starfish she was able to swim with her head under the water without panicking from one end of pool to the other.

Ms. Joyce was absolutely incredible! She was so patient, kind and comforting with Addison.  And Addison became very fond of Ms. Joyce!

Addison’s confidence level has boost so much!  She is so happy in the pool now.  She has learned the skills of survival in an emergency situation and she can now jump in the deep end of the pool and swim to safety.

Thank you Ms. Joyce for all that you have done for our family.  You truly are such a wonderful person and we appreciate you so much!!

-Aimee Remo-

Miss Joyce,

Thank you for teaching us how to swim!  You are the best swim instructor EVER!  We will miss swimming with you!

- Love, Addison & Evan Remo-

Miss Joyce,

You are o-FISH-ally the best swim teacher!   


– Love, Jackson –

I enrolled my son to survival swimming lessons conducted by Joyce Cawa Mendoza and I can truly say that by far this is the best swimming lessons my son has been enrolled with.  I tried several private swimming lessons before but nothing compares to Joyce Cawa Mendoza’s one on one survival swimming lessons.  I would definitely recommend this to any parent out there who would like their kids to learn survival swimming lessons.

-Michael Navarro-

Both of my sons did infant survival swim lessons at Swim Float Swim.  My youngest son, 19 months old, recently finished his 6 week course with Joyce as his instructor.  We were very pleased with our experience. Charlie had never had swim lessons before and it didn't take him many lessons to understand the routine. Joyce was consistent with her technique in the water and her friendly face made my son feel comfortable in what is typically an uncomfortable environment. At the end of the 6 week course, my son is now able to jump into the water and safely turn onto his back to float and breathe and can flip over again to kick to the side of the pool. It is truly incredible how this routine has become a natural instinct in my son. Joyce is a great instructor and kind person and you will be lucky to have her. You won't regret giving your children skills that can save their life.
Thank you, Joyce! We will miss you!

-Kjerstin Davies-

My 2 year old daughter just completed her 6 week swim class at Swim Float Swim with Joyce. I am amazed at the results and so thrilled that Joyce was her teacher. Joyce is so sweet and built trust with my daughter within the first week. It was so great to know that my daughter was swimming with someone that she truly built a bond with. Dara would jump into Joyce's arms at each class and it was wonderful to watch. Thank you Joyce for helping to teach Dara how to survive in water and also building a long lasting relationship with her and myself. 


-Ali Frusciano- 

We are glad to send our 5-year-old daughter, Erica, for a three-week survival swim lesson at the Swim.Float.Swim. The pool place is warm, clean, and comfortable. We were so surprised that she was able to swim and to float in her first week. Before Erica joined this program, she didn’t have any swimming skills. Her instructor, Joyce definitely knows how to teach children various techniques. With patience and friendliness, Joyce gave Erica anticipation of swimming and guided her to overcome her fear of diving under the water. We really appreciate Joyce because she transformed my daughter to be a confident swimmer. This is a great program and we would strongly recommend to other parents. 


- Yachih Nakanishi -

Joyce is such a delight!  She taught our 2.5 year old and 15 month old to swim, float, swim!  Her peaceful and warm demeanor really helped our girls relax, trust her and learn. We are so grateful for her kind, gentle manner of teaching and caring for our family in the process!

- Claire Faulkner -

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